2018年6月7日 星期四

The mask

I think of Ironman’s mask. I think of Spiderman’s mask. It is a mask that give them power. Power is respected and who aren't feel good for that? 
Let me ask you a question? What is your mask? And what can your mask offer?

We created a persona of joy and excitement. Glamorous life which are quantify by physical proofs. We feed our mask by others validation, attention and approval. We depend on the mask more than we depend on the person behind the mask. Without the mask, ‘who am i’, you asked. ‘Am I better than the mask I created?’. The answer would be a no 9 times out of 10. And your inner voice whisper: why become yourself if the mask is more attractive and powerful? You can live your life under the mask.

Or can you?

We all have that mask. Yes the mask empowered us. Yes the mask flattered us. Yes the mask is certainly better than us. But, if you identify to your mask more than your own personality, the mask is going to consume you and you will never know that your freedom is gone.

People want to be someone else, and It is so tempting to create a mask and live like someone we are not. We escaped the hard route and abandoned the search of our true self. Life is easy if you stay strong and pick the hard road. 
My friend, it is all about awareness. Use everything to help you, but don't underestimate the corrupting power that everything can replace you. Tame them, not spoil them. Be the conscious master and not the happy slave.

The power is always inside YOU. Feel good for what you do, be proud of who you are. Change and behave with standard that you hold. It is all about you.





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