So today I am going to expose myself through writing thoughts in English.
I am going to start a little plan of write three things which I should feel grateful for. something like 小確幸。 The point is I do believe I have so little of patience. Whenever I want something, I want it now- That's why when I know that I can not have it instantly, I turn down opportunities and assume that "No" is the reply. I assume silence as something really bad and I over analyse it. By the end of this plan, I wish my mindset could change a little bit and give myself more perspective to understand things. That I should not enlarge the problems happened in the past and drag it to tomorrow and so on.
This world is so big that I could learn so much. I think I like reading, but prefer blogs or short articles more than long stories or novels. These days, I read blogs related to improving job performances and social ability. I feel energetic to absorb new information. Now, only if I brave and active enough to practice more. It is damn true that nothing will be gain without real-life experiences. It is those feedback and the inevitable pain that make us stronger and become a better person.
And the more I read, the more problems I could identify. I really wish I could eliminated some of those by the end of this years - at least make observable improvement. And may be, by the end of my twenties, I could take care of my "critical" problems.
It takes years for us to change, it takes years for us to see the effect. 日久見人心。 Since we graduated, we have to be more persistent in getting what we want.
I have plans for my leisure life- learn things I like, read words that inspired and guided me to evolve, write anything, ANYTHING that I want to share. Make a tick in sport, music, dance and intellectual area. Oh and, may be I should spend more time for my friends. That's the grand plan and I am not ready to start it all yet. But I hope that I could do it someday.
I suffered tonight. A small discouragement which almost ruin my day. But since I realise how important "a good mood" for a good life, I try my best not to look back and decode the message. No matter how bad the respond I have received, I do try, and I do it with respect and kind intension. There is room for improvement and I think it is not necessary to bam myself hard. It is acceptable, it is the bad response that I have to "accumulate" in order to grow. 這是小小的石頭。
I read this from a online article and it is very true: The more we present ourself away from our core, the more we hate ourself, that we always believe we are not completed ands something is missing. I think I have to accumulate experience, but the assumption is I believe in myself and all I do is to improve and empower myself, not change it or hide my unique character. I remember those days which I blame myself so hard for everything happened. I spotted so many weakness and I believed I am done. Well, may be I can do something to change my perception. I don't care if I am deluded or not. Just keep myself happy, and a happy man will find ways to share his happiness with his treasured friends and family. We hide because we unhappy, it is the ultimate truth.
I am imperfect. but it is okay. It is important to admit that internally, and see it as a blessing. It gives you a reason to learn and explore. No worry, do it your way, take your time. Just keep doing and 迎難而上。 Appreciate. and no more "but".
I have to get back to my life. I have to start trusting and respecting myself. That I am not a loser. I was, but not now anymore.
I am learning, and it seems that I could really do something this time.
Its fine. Not a big deal. I tried. Move on.
The more I love myself, the less I hate you for not loving me. No joking.
Times up pens down. Take a shower, read more, and try to get some sleep.
I have so many things to work on. Even though I am escaping from the most important task, I feel okay at the moment.
Good day to you all.
And now you know my english is not good.
Whatever, this is my territory lol:P
You know what I am saying then okay la =]