看了舊文,關於電影the intimation game 導演 Graham Moore 在奧斯卡的得獎感言
When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself. Because I felt wierd, I felt different, and I felt like I did not belong. And now I'm standing here. And so I would like this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she's weird or she's different or she doesn't fit in anywhere. Yes you do, I promise you do. Stay weird. Stay different. And then when it's your turn and you are standing on this stage, please pass the message to the next person.
很多人終其一生就只是想變得正常。很多人都不覺得自己正常。 Ordinary, but not normal. 然後花了好多力氣,令自己成功一點,變得extraordinary,好讓自己的different更易被justified.
那是一場沒有終點的比賽。像比達看悟空,永遠也未做到宇宙最強。原來我們心中最討厭就是正常,我們本來就相信自己是與眾不同,只是現實一次一次改變定義,原來那叫can not fit in.
你或者已經接受了自己是Weird and different, and you stay weird and different in the eyes of others. 但願,你會看到自己還可以是not the best but extraordinary. 有人會懂得。或者只是時晨未到。或者所有所有都要你大器晚成。都要你失意時再忍耐一下,留住心內那微弱的狂傲的火苗。